How to Bet on Baseball: Run Line Betting

How to Bet on Baseball: Run Line Betting

The MLB season is an extensive and thrilling journey filled with countless enjoyable games at every turn. The exhilaration kicks off on the opening day and remains robust all the way to the World Series.

The legalization of sports betting is spreading across numerous states, including Illinois. Therefore, for every game scheduled, bettors have multiple options to participate.

The run line bet, one of the most favored choices, operates similarly to the point spread seen in other sports, but it has unique subtleties that require comprehension.

We got you covered with everything you need to know, from understanding how this bet operates to identifying what to look out for on the odds board and how to handicap it. Let’s start by delving deeper into how the run line functions.

What is a run line bet in baseball?

The run line bet, available on sportsbook apps and websites, is a popular method for betting on MLB games. It is offered for each individual game, alongside moneyline and totals wagers.

Bettors have the option to choose between the favorite minus a certain number of runs or the underdog plus the same number when betting the run line. The standard number employed for run line wagers is 1.5 runs.

In order for you to win the bet, the team you pick must meet the run line. If you wager on the favorite team, they need to win the game by at least two runs. If you bet on the underdog, they cover the run line either by maintaining a one-run difference or by outright winning the game.

How to read MLB betting odds

Online sportsbooks in Illinois will provide odds for every MLB game scheduled, for bettors to peruse. The odds for the three primary bet types will be prominently displayed in the individual game listings, with more betting options available upon clicking through. A typical game listing may appear as follows.

Team Run line Moneyline Total
Minnesota Twins -1.5 (-120) -130 O 7.5 (-110)
Chicago White Sox +1.5 (+100) +110 U 7.5 (-110)

The team on the road is listed on top, while the home team is on the bottom in the listings. However, there may be the occasional neutral site matchup that doesn’t follow this pattern. Alongside the team names, you will find the odds and lines for the three types of bets: the run line, the moneyline, and the total.

The Twins are predicted to win with a 1.5 advantage on the run line, as indicated by the negative number next to their name. In sports betting, favorites are signified by negative numbers, while underdogs are represented by positive numbers on the run line.

The actual odds for the run line wager are depicted next to the 1.5 in parentheses. As we progress further to the right, it’s evident that the Twins are also the favored team on the moneyline in a match.

Odds for MLB run line bets explained

The general standard for sportsbooks when they release odds for spread bets is to start with -110 on both sides. However, these numbers may fluctify after bettors start to place their bets.

Typically, the shifts are fairly minor, like one side increasing to -115 while the other side decreases to -105. The run line significantly differs from a spread bet in this aspect, as it often has much bigger gaps between the odds on each side.

For example:

Cincinnati Reds +1.5 (-120)
Chicago Cubs -1.5 (-150)

In this instance, the Cubs have clearly become the public’s preferred choice on the run line. Consequently, the sportsbooks have modified the number.

Keep in mind that the run line odds might not be identical across all operators. For instance, DraftKings Sportsbook in Illinois may offer -125 on a team, while FanDuel Sportsbook might set the odds at -135 for the same team.

When preparing to place a bet on the run line, it’s always wise to explore different options. Engaging in basic line shopping allows you to identify any discrepancies between different sportsbooks. Although these differences may appear insignificant, they can accumulate over time.

How to place a run line bet in Illinois

Top online sports betting operators offer highly user-friendly platforms, making the process of placing a run line bet quite straightforward. You start by finding the listing for the game that piques your interest.

For every game on the schedule, sportsbooks will provide betting odds. Let’s revisit our typical game listing for a moment:

Team Run line Moneyline Total
Minnesota Twins -1.5 (-120) -130 O 7.5 (-110)
Chicago White Sox +1.5 (+100) +110 U 7.5 (-110)

To make a wager, simply click on the box corresponding to your selection. Click on the Twins minus the runs if that’s your preference, or choose the White Sox plus the runs if you favor that side.

As soon as you make your selection, it is immediately added to your betting slip. Then, all you need to do is enter your stake, confirm all details are accurate and hit the submit button.

What are alternate run lines?

Though the usual standard for run line bets is 1.5 runs, betting operators will also provide different run lines for bettors to evaluate. As expected, any changes in direction will result in adjusted odds. For instance, the line may be set at 2.5 runs.

Washington Nationals +2.5 (-170)
Atlanta Braves -2.5 (+200)

In this competition, the Nationals only need to maintain a margin of two or fewer runs or win the game outright to successfully cover the run line. On the other hand, the Braves face a bigger challenge as they need to win by a margin of three or more runs to cover.

If you have a strong understanding of a game that could potentially end in a blowout, using alternate run lines may be a sensible choice. They can also offer additional support for underdogs. However, as shown in our example, you may see reduced returns due to the odds.

Online rules for run line betting in Illinois

The majority of sportsbook operators in Illinois adhere to the same general guidelines, although there can be variations in specific situations. Here are some fundamental things you should understand about betting on the run line.

  • If there’s a change from the listed starting pitchers, bets with a listed pitcher option will be canceled.
  • Once the game begins, all bets are regarded as action.
  • If games are delayed or postponed due to weather, they may still be considered live if they are anticipated to resume shortly. However, if they are rescheduled for a later date, they will be voided.
  • Wager settlement is reliant on official league data.

This will address the majority of cases, yet there might be occasional extraordinary circumstances. Different sportsbooks may have varying perspectives on how these situations are managed. To understand fully, it’s advisable to check the MLB house rules at the sportsbooks where you place your bets.

MLB run line betting examples

The run line, like any other type of bet, may require some familiarization. Let’s go over some examples to help understand how it functions. We’ll start with a game between NL Central rivals where the Milwaukee Brewers are set to play against the Chicago Cubs.

Milwaukee Brewers +1.5 (-130)
Chicago Cubs -1.5 (+110)

In this matchup, the Cubs are considered favorites on the run line by oddsmakers. Chicago needs to win by at least two runs to cover. For instance, a 5-3 score will work, but a close 3-2 outcome won’t.

Milwaukee needs to maintain a deficit of less than 1.5 runs. For instance, a 4-3 loss for the Brewers is acceptable, however, a 7-2 defeat means they have not met the requirement. As evidenced by the odds in our example, it is more probable that the Brewers will ensure a close game.

Next, we’ll shift our focus to the AL Central for an intriguing showdown between two division rivals. The Cleveland Indians will be on the road, ready to face off against the Chicago White Sox in this match.

Cleveland Indians -1.5 (+120)
Chicago White Sox +1.5 (-140)

The road team has been declared the favored one in this instance, but the odds suggest greater financial backing for the White Sox to either maintain a one-run difference or win outright. A victory of 5-3 for the Indians benefits bettors for Cleveland, while it is disadvantageous for those backing Chicago.

If the White Sox either lose with a score of, for example, 6-5, or they outrightly win the game, then the run line has been met and those who bet on that side can claim their winnings. This is different from the moneyline that only considers who wins and loses, as the run line requires bettors to consider the victory margin.

Just as a point spread does, it can balance the competition between unevenly matched teams to make the game more exciting.

Calculating payouts for run line bets

The potential return on a successful run line bet depends on the odds board. After selecting your preferred option and entering your bet amount, the sportsbook will show the potential return if the bet is won.

This provides a swift method to view potential returns, but ensure not to press submit until you’re fully prepared. For another easy method to view returns, numerous free handicapping calculators are readily available on the internet.

Moreover, you can perform some basic calculations to estimate the possible figures. For instance, when the odds are negative, like -120, the value of the odds also indicates the amount you need to bet to earn a profit of $100 if you win. So, in this situation, you would need to bet $120.

The number displayed for positive odds signifies your potential profit from a $100 bet. For instance, if the odds are +125 and you place a $100 bet that wins, you would receive a profit of $125.

Finally, there are formulas that can be used to rapidly calculate the returns. Though they operate similarly, two distinct formulas are used depending on the direction of the odds. For negative odds, the equation uses the absolute value of the odds figure.

  • Odds in negative: Return = Wager amount / (Odds/100)
  • Return = Wager Amount * (Odds/100) in case of positive odds.

In both instances, divide the odds amount by 100. Then, multiply the result by the wager amount if the odds are positive. If the odds are negative, divide the wager amount by the result from the initial step.

How to handicap the MLB run line

Betting on the run line involves more than just determining which side will win or lose. It also requires considering the possible margin of victory, which may take some time to get accustomed to. Here are some helpful tips as you strive for consistent success with run line betting.

  • Comprehend the message behind the odds: As more bets are placed, the odds for run line bets will change. Notice any significant shifts and observe the situation for hints about where the money is flowing. For instance, if a book increases the appeal of one side while diminishing the attractiveness of the other, it’s likely that they want to encourage more action on the former side.
  • Reworded: Look at the scores and runs conceded recently on both sides: The MLB season is a marathon, not a sprint. Teams will inevitably experience peaks and troughs in their performance both offensively and defensively. Beyond just the stats for the entire season, it’s crucial to look at the team’s output and what they’ve allowed in the last three to five games. This gives a reliable snapshot of the current situation and can also assist in identifying possible surprise outcomes.

Once a stable system is established, it’s completely natural to feel satisfied. But, it’s crucial to bear in mind that the job isn’t completed yet. Moreover, there are certain traps to be wary of, as falling into them could significantly hinder your progress. Here are three you should steer clear of.

  • Avoid wagering with your emotions: Having a preferred team is fine, but when it comes to betting, loyalty should take a backseat. Cheering for your team doesn’t equate to financial gains, but a higher win rate does. Your betting choices should solely be based on the probable outcome. If you find it difficult to bet against your team, skip that match and concentrate on the rest.
  • Don’t overrate your abilities: It’s certainly achievable to enhance your handicapping skills to an elite level, but be cautious not to allow that to evolve into arrogance. There’s no bettor in the world who will always be correct, including you. Confidence is great, but moderate your excitement and understand that you will encounter some setbacks along the way.
  • Avoid the temptation to wager on every game during the extensive MLB season where there are numerous days when all teams are playing. Despite having ample time, analyzing each game is a substantial task. Instead of attempting to bet on every game, adopt a calculated approach and concentrate on the matches where you have an advantage.

What to remember about run line betting

One of the primary options for MLB betting is the run line bet. This operates similarly to the point spread bet found in other sports. You have the option to choose the favorite with a specified number of runs deducted, or support the underdog with the line added.

For your bet to win, the side you pick must surpass the run line. The run line is typically fixed at 1.5 runs, differing from spreads. Nevertheless, under the “more wagers” category for specific games, operators may provide different run lines.

Both sides of the run line come with odds, which fluctuate based on betting activity. You always have the option to compare and find the most favorable price. It might take a while to get used to handicapping the run line, but it can be a valuable addition to a comprehensive MLB betting strategy.